OM technology. Big in little
Our devices, devices and methods are focused on preserving and improving health, in particular vision.
Assessment and correction of the psychophysiological state taking into account the current realities and the use of the most advanced technologies allow to make this process more effective.
History of the company's development
Since 1991, our team has been dealing with vision problems and effective ways of correcting and treating visual analyzer malfunctions.
The “Oculograph” hardware and software complex for diagnosing the condition of the visual system was created by the joint efforts of a team of developers and ophthalmologists. Over the years of use of the installation, a large database of patients has been accumulated.
In 2007, the installation was upgraded to the second version, and the “MedTest” hardware and software complex was created to assess the state of the nervous system.
The OM – Technology team has created and is creating a number of unique devices, exercises, methods for testing, evaluating, monitoring and training the visual analyzer and non-surgical vision correction.
To date, the following are being actively developed and refined:
– the third version of the “Oculograph” complex,
– tests for assessing psychophysiological indicators of vision and the body as a whole,
– simulators, methods, structures and systems for (device) treatment/correction of the organ of sight
All developments and related products are available for purchase in our online store.
Vision concept
It’s no secret that today a significant part of humanity suffers from visual impairment. Lifestyle, mobile devices, monitors and mass media do not contribute to a fully functional load, in some places underloading, in some places overloading the organ of vision.
Fixation of vision at a short distance (to the screen of a phone or tablet) for a long time without a break for special exercises and relaxation leads to limitation of mobility, weakening or spasm of oculomotor muscles. This, in turn, leads to deterioration of vision and muscle work in a suboptimal mode. Over time, various disorders appear and are fixed – anomalies of refraction (myopia/farsightedness), accommodation (range of clear vision), stereoscopic vision disorders and perception of space.
If these disturbances are asymmetric and quite pronounced, the brain stops coping with the combination of the incompatible, is restructured – and the person stops seeing with one eye. Amblyopia occurs (obstruction of the visual channel from the eye). Further, the pathological condition becomes fixed and eventually leads to a clearly manifested disease – strabismus and stereo vision disorders.
Which ultimately affects the quality of life to the point of emotional disturbances, a decrease in the level of intelligence and productivity, causing limitations in the social hierarchy.
Limits of perception – such as visual acuity, color thresholds, distance resolution, range of perceived luminances and speed of perception – ultimately limit the speed of information flows and the quality of information perceived.
And we live in an information world, don’t we?
In the world, the characteristic features of the moment are:
- Acceleration of processes, informatization, increased mobility, online work, training and even online life.
- Education crisis. The consequences of online learning, in which the load on the eyes increases many times, are currently only predicted and will be revealed in the coming years
- The crisis of medical care against the background of the technological singularity
- The availability of information along with a sharp decrease in average intellectual abilities to perceive it
- Increased requirements of employers for professional skills of personnel
- Modernization of the structures of interpersonal and social interaction formed over the past centuries
Currently imposed restrictions on communication in connection with the epidemiological situation and the above-mentioned conditions call for new solutions in the field of health correction and, in particular, vision.
And here several tasks arise.
Operational assessment of the state of vision at home, without the use of stationary devices. Orientation to the institution of a family doctor
Linking local operational assessment methods with existing methods and structures of global medical care, from the city and national to the international level
Evaluation of the long-term dynamics of the main indicators of the body’s condition
Methods of correction of violations on the spot, without physiotherapeutic offices, queues, polyclinics
Development of complex methods of correction of pathological conditions based on an integral synergistic assessment of the psychophysiological homeostasis of the body.
Design of medical devices and systems (since 1991) for assessing the condition and correction of body systems, in particular:
- visual analyzer (stereo and color vision,…) non-surgical correction of visual impairments (methods, tests, simulators and complexes);
- to assess the psychophysiological state and the state of the nervous system;
- to assess the condition of organs, tissues and homeostasis (body regulation systems);
- for monitoring processes, organs and systems in stationary, home and mobile conditions;
- for correction, treatment, training of organs and systems:
- sensory-motor, including visual;
- psychophysiological system;
- emotional system. Programming the mental state of performing certain types of activities, from relaxation to increasing the efficiency of work and creative activities;
- change of indicators and method of perception (expansion of consciousness and development).
The company’s interests also include:
- Research and development in the field of machine vision;
- Robotic microsurgery based on generative adversarial networks (GAN) and 3D physical modeling.